Saturday, March 7, 2009

Erin Go Hate

With the approach of the most important Christian Holiday of the year, it is high-time that Angry Dudes mentions a group which threatens to ruin the significance and meaning of the Holy Season: Amateurs.

You’ve seen’em…

The dude wearing a white Armani Exchange thermal and has a faux-hawk while downing cans of Bud Light so that he can save his caloric intake for Ecstasy, Primobolan, and his mom’s chicken parm.

That douche who just turned 21 two weeks ago with the Polish last name, dressed in all green. He’s the one who was chugging Jack and Cokes at 8:30am, doing Car Bombs at 10am and asleep on a bar stool by the time the parade steps off.

That douche is a close cousin to the guy whose motor skills have long since been puked into a urinal and just dropped a Guinness on the floor, leaving a pile of glass and ruined vitamin G.

The guy who speaks with a fake Irish accent. C’mon, Seamus, you’re embarrassing yourself.

Fat girls who wear Kiss Me, I'm Irish shirts. Begging is unbecoming, just like your fat gut.

So, on these most holy days of the year, please drink to a dangerous that we have more clowns to ridicule next holiday season.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Minivan in the Drive Thru

I really hate the a-hole in front of me in McDonalds drive thru tonight. Here’s the scene: 14 hour day at work, been driving since 4:15pm and I’m rolling into Mickey D’s drive thru at about 7:30pm, minivan in front of me as I approach to order. Minivan makes their order, I make my order and proceed to advance to pay. Douche bag in the minivan has decided that the minimum safe distance between he and the car at the pickup window is approximately 75 f’n yards. This creates the situation where the dude taking the money is hanging out the window looking at the minivan, pleading it to move forward so he can take their money and send them to the next guy to get their food. Ordinarily a minute and a half wait for anything is not that bad, however in McDonald’s drive thru 90 seconds is the equivalent to 4 earth days.

So, here’s to you minivan: thanks for almost making me the a-hole that honks his horn in the drive thru. Douche.

Can You Feel the Hate?

This is what we’re about.

If you’re a hater, you are going to not hate this blog. It’s the definitive tribute to the hater way of life. We’ll hate on anything that’s not in extremely poor taste, i.e. we’re not picking on kids, the disabled, or the ill. Well, not to their faces, anyway. Everything else is fair game. Joe softballs, dumbasses on the train, former classmates, co-workers, public figures, the French…you get the idea.

For those of you who consider yourself a member of these groups or any other douchey group we hate, you probably will hate this blog. That’s fine; we welcome the hate. We’d be hypocrites if we begrudged you your hate, even if it’s stupid and wrong. Feel free to pass the hate along to us in the comments sections.

We promise to make several original posts each week as time allows so that we are able to keep our crappy day jobs. Should those crappy day jobs go away, we’ll post more frequently as new and annoying things come into our lives.

So, that’s us. We’re regular dudes, just with an extra helping of anger and the need to broadcast it.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

You know what really grinds my gears....

cookies and javascratch and all that noise. Really makes this a pain in the ass to set up.

More hate to follow........